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Analytical Facility
Analytical Facility
Today feed manufacturing is a very competitive activity and consistent feed quality is a key growth driver. To achieve optimal animal performance well balanced diets that satisfy nutrient requirements of the animal is mandatory and for producing these diets accurate formulation is essential. The most accurate formulations result when laboratory analysis of ingredients is available.
A poultry diet should have balanced amount of protein, fat, fibre, mineral and energy contents for efficient performance of bird. It should not have high moisture contents which supports fungal growth and mycotoxin production in feed. Feed should not contain mycotoxin as they are detrimental to poultry health and production.
Quality control and assurance have emerged as a critical feature in the business of feed manufacturing. A quality control system involves personnel being properly trained to ensure a high level of organisation, documentation and policing of various procedures and processes necessary to guarantee the basic quality of feed ingredients and feed. Our analytical facility is a definitive aspect of a quality control. The analysis of raw materials helps us in several ways, such as
Prediction of Nutritive Value of Feed Ingredients
Knowledge of feed ingredient composition is vital for the nutritionist in order to meet precisely the nutrient requirements of livestock. The nutrient values in any feed ingredient vary from season to season, source to source, batch to batch as also within a batch therefore feed ingredients that we analyse carefully for their nutritive value before they are incorporated into the diet.

Avoiding Contaminants
Substances that are inherently present in feed ingredients or acquired during processing, handling, storage etc and which may be harmful to livestock productivity are classified as contaminants. These, when present in more than prescribed levels are harmful to livestock productivity. Knowing the levels of these contaminants is important and our qualified staff have command over precise testing.
Detecting Adulterants
We are very serious about testing against adulterants in raw materials as they badly affect feed quality and thereby animal productivity and health. Our in-house testing facilities ensure the feed quality by controlling the quality of feed ingredients and by assuring the quality of final feed. Our every quality control program is including periodic laboratory analysis of ingredients and feed.