Feeds of the Modern Era!
Mukhtar Feeds
Premium quality products made under the strict supervision of experienced professionals to guarantee the great quality of each product. Checkout our best rated feeds.
Comprehensive range of high quality poultry feeds
Chick Starter
Exactly what it sounds like, chick starter is for the first (usually six) weeks of chick’s lives. This is typically 22 to 24 percent protein for broiler starter and …
Pullet Grower
After chick starter, young pullets that are destined for a laying flock are put on a lower-protein diet to slow growth to allow strong bones and adult body weight …
Pullet Finisher
At 14 weeks, young pullets can be lowered to a 16 percent protein feed until they begin laying. Some feedlines don’t distinguish between …
Layer Feeds
Laying hens at maturity (around 22 weeks of age) require a 16 to 18 percent protein level and extra calcium and minerals for strong …..
Broiler Feeds
These high-protein feeds are for meat birds that grow extremely fast. Broiler rations are typically 20 to 22 percent protein. This is sometimes called “grower …

Pakistan Poultry Sector
Poultry sector is one of the most dynamic and well organised part of agriculture in Pakistan with a significant contribution of 1.4% in national GDP. Commercial poultry production started in Pakistan in 1960’s, passing through many phases, now it’s the 2nd largest industry of the country.
Chicken meat and eggs are the best source of quality protein. In Pakistan per capita consumption of meat is only 6.61 kilo grams and 88 eggs annually. Whereas developed world is consuming about 40 kilo grams meat and over 300 eggs per capita per year. As per World health organization (WHO) standards, per capita animal protein consumption is 27g daily while in Pakistan it is 17g. This gap shows that poultry industry has to grow to provide animal protein to fulfil WHO standards.
Mukhtar Feeds along with the rest of stakeholders in poultry sector, is playing an important role in bridging the gap between the supply and demand for protein.
We believe that the high genetic potential of poultry can only be achieved with properly formulated feeds that are protein and energy-dense. Poultry, especially growing birds, are unique in their genetic makeup, that any change in nutrition is reflected in bird performance almost immediately. We here at Mukhtar Feeds have successfully exploited it to improve growth, carcass yield and egg production of commercial poultry.